我们点开著名出版公司Elsevier的官方网站:https://www.elsevier.com,其采用的“crossref”查重方式,技术支持就是由iThenticate提供,这点在图片右下角可以看见--“powered by iThenticate.”
Various factors such as A, B, and C have been demonstrated to possess the ability to regulate cell differentiation, while the influence of factor D on cell differentiation is neglected. This article investigated the effect of factor D on cell differentiation.
Various factors such as A, B, and C are able to regulate cell differentiation, but the influence of factor D has yet to be clarified. Here, we investigated the effect of factor D on cell differentiation.
* 对于the influence of factor D on cell differentiation ,由于前后文的存在,即使将 on cell differentiation去除,也知道influence是针对cell differentiation而言,所以我们可以把 on cell differentiation删除。
2. 删除前后重复的内容
比如在方法部分,同样的操作可以不用反复描述,可以根据情况写上一句,“The same procedure was repeated as in section 4.1.”
3. 删除同样的方法描写
如果有的方法描写在其他文献中出现过,可以不用完全照写一遍,否则很容易造成较高的重复率,可以考虑这样处理:“Protocol X was performed according to reference Y.”
4. 文字转变为图表
结果部分一些内容如果可以用图表展示,就不需要用文字赘述了,“These data are shown in Figure 6.”
parameters including ... 替换成 such parameters as ...
This study investigated .. 替换成. Here we investigated ...
On the contrary, ... 替换成 By contrast, ...
after being treated with替换成 after treatment with ...
The patients with Cushing's syndrome who were admitted to our hospital from 2010-2018 were retrospectively analyzed.
A retrospective analysis was performed on the patients with Cushing's syndrome who were admitted to our hospital from 2010-2018.
* 将retrospectively analyzed变为名词a retrospective analysis,并从句末调到句首作主语,不仅改变了句子结构,也使得原本冗长的主语变简短了。
The patients with Cushing's syndrome who were admitted to our hospital from 2010-2018 were retrospectively analyzed.
We analyzed the patients with Cushing's syndrome who were admitted to our hospital from 2010-2018.
* We在英文论文里很常见,使用We可以避免过多使用被动语态,使得主语比较简短。以前国内存在一个误解:科技论文里慎用第一人称和主动语态,尤其忌讳使用we,不过现在这个误解正在逐渐消除。
Various microRNAs have been demonstrated to possess the ability to regulate MSC differentiation
Various microRNAs are able to regulate MSC differentiation
* possess the ability to可以简化are able to,have been demonstrated to如无必要,也可以删除。
With the rapid advance in nanotechnology, nanomaterials have been developed for stem cell therapy applications, such as molecular imaging, gene/drug delivery andtissue engineering.
Rapid advances in nanotechnology have led to the development of nanomaterials for various stem cell therapy applications, including tissue engineering, molecular imaging, and gene/drug delivery.
* 原来的介词短语(状语)With the rapid advance in nanotechnology变成了主语Rapid advances in nanotechnology;
原来的nanomaterials have been developed变成了名词(宾语)the development of nanomaterials ;
另外,such as变成了including,后面的几项调换了顺序。
..., which was probably because it triggered more ROS generation.
..., presumably due to triggering more ROS generation.
* which引导的定语从句转变为原因状语。
⑥ 谓语动词变为非谓语动词
Some peak broadening was evident and possibly corresponded to a slight rounding of the nano particle vertices.
Some peak broadening was evident, possibly indicating a slight rounding of the nano particle vertices
* 根据意思将possibly corresponded to改为possibly indicating,整个句子由两个谓语的并列结构变成了带有补语的结构,句子层次感更强。
The results suggested that dorsomorphin and DKK1 suppressed osteogenic differentiation.
The results indicated suppression of osteogenic differentiation by dorsomorphin and DKK1.
* 将dorsomorphin and DKK1 suppressed osteogenic differentiation这个句子变成了名词性结构suppression of osteogenic differentiation by dorsomorphin and DKK1。
bMSCs were washed with PBS four times and loaded with 1.2 mL of DCFH-DA for 20 min of incubation.
bMSCs were washed four times with PBS and incubated with 1.2 mL of DCFH-DA for 20 min.
* 对于washed with PBS four times,可以将with PBS和four times调换顺序,改成washed four times with PBS;loaded with 1.2 mL of DCFH-DA for 20 min of incubation也可以简化一下,把incubation变为动词移到前面:incubated with 1.2 mL of DCFH-DA for 20 min.
A total of 2000 respondents, who were young respondents aged 16-28, were interviewed.
A total of 2000 respondents were interviewed; they were young people, between the ages of 16 and 28 years.
* 将定语从句who were young respondents aged 16-28升级为一个分句:they were young people, between the ages of 16 and 28 years,与原来的主句并列存在。这里使用了分号,表示这两个分句之间的联系较为紧密。
Both treatment groups showed significant decreases in anxiety and avoidance, and the CBT-R group had significantly greater reductions in these symptoms than the GEAR group .
Both regimens produced significant reductions in anxiety and avoidance, with greater decreases with the CBT-R regimen.
* 对于groups showed significant decreases,我们可以换一种说法:regimens produced significant reductions,意思不变。第二个分句可以相应的简化成非句子结构。
总之,最根本的办法还是要掌握论文英语表达的精髓,这样才能够根据需要来自由的表达,而不是生搬硬套文献里的句子。- 本文固定链接: https://oversea.maimengkong.com/kyjc/1796.html
- 转载请注明: : 萌小白 2024年9月29日 于 卖萌控的博客 发表
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